Collectors Art Prize recognizes outstanding achievements in contemporary art by celebrating the work of extraordinary artists whose practices are among the most innovative and influential of our time. 

Thor Rafnsson

Thor Rafnsson

Artist Statement

As an artist, my focus is on capturing the everyday beauty of the world around me. I believe that the most interesting subjects for art, can be found in the people, places, and experiences that make up our everyday lives.
I received my education at The Icelandic College of Arts and Crafts and now live and work in Denmark. My years in Iceland have given me a lot of inspiration and still, do.
The great contrasts, the beautiful language, and the harsh nature appeal to me, which is reflected in my paintings.
I use a variety of techniques and materials in my work, including oils, acrylics.
I am particularly drawn to the use of light and color, and I endeavor to create paintings that are both harmonious and pleasing to the eye.
My goal is to inspire those who see my work to look more carefully at the world around them, and to see the beauty in the everyday.
As well as my artistic vision, I also try to express mankind's internal spiritual room, where the creation of the images occurs, and the emotions that come with it. My paintings are not just a representation of the physical world, but also an expression of something deeper, something that lies within us all.I believe that by creating art, we can make the world a more beautiful and meaningful place.
I hope that you will enjoy looking at my work as much as I enjoyed creating it. I believe that art has the power to move people in ways that words cannot, and I am constantly looking for new and interesting subjects to paint.

What’s your background?

My name is Thor Rafnsson, born in Reykjavik Icland.
I have always had an interest in colors and working with different forms.
My method is intuitive, my painting is developed in a dialogue with my inner visual world.
I completed my education in Iceland, at the Icelandic College of Arts and Crafts in Reykjavík.
After graduating, I worked as an assistant to one of the most well-known artists in Iceland. I moved to Sweden 1982, where I participated in several art exhibitions, then I moved to Denmark in 2009, where I still live and work.

What does it mean to you to win the Collectors Art Prize?

Winning win the Collectors Art Prize, I hope will bring increased visibility and recognition to me as an artist, which can lead to new opportunities for my work to be seen and appreciated by a wider audience.

What do you think is the role of art in the world today?

The role of art in the world today is multifaceted and can be interpreted in many ways. Art can inspire, challenge, and provoke thought and emotion. It can serve as a form of expression and a means of communication, as well as a tool for cultural preservation. Art can also be used to address social and political issues, bringing attention to topics that may not receive enough attention otherwise. Ultimately, the role of art in the world today is to enrich our lives and broaden our perspectives.

What would it be if you could change one thing about the art world?

The art world can sometimes feel exclusive and inaccessible to individuals who do not come from privileged backgrounds or have connections in the industry. This can lead to a lack of diversity and representation among artists, curators, and gallery owners, which in turn perpetuates the cycle of exclusion.
Another potential change that could benefit the art world is to explore new forms of artistic expression and challenge traditional notions of what constitutes "art." This could involve embracing more interdisciplinary approaches, incorporating new technologies and media, and exploring non-traditional forms of presentation and curation. This would not only broaden the scope of the art world but also make it more accessible and relevant to a wider audience.

What are your most significant professional achievements?

My first solo exhibition in Sweden, which was a great success.

What do you wish to tell viewers about your work that might not come out explicitly? What do you hope to inspire with your artwork?

As an artist, I create artwork in the traditional sense, however, I see my work as inspiring people in their pursuits, whether it's learning, solving, or creative exploration.
One thing that may not come out explicitly is that I'm constantly learning and evolving. I hope to inspire people to keep learning and growing. As an artist, I hope I can inspire people in a clear, concise, and helpful way. I hope to inspire people to connect, learn, and create. as a tool for positive change and growth in their lives and communities

What advice would you give to the upcoming generation of artists?

Follow your passion: Pursue what you love and are passionate about.
Passion is what will drive you to create your best work.
Practice your craft:
Dedicate time to practicing your craft, the more you practice, the better you will become.
Build your skills:
Continuously work on building your skills and expanding your knowledge.
Embrace failure: Don't be afraid to take risks and try new things, even if they don't always work out. Failure is a natural part of the creative process.
Be persistent:
Don't give up if you face obstacles or setbacks. Persistence and perseverance are key to achieving success in any field.
Stay true to yourself:
Create art that is authentic to who you are and what you believe in. Don't try to emulate someone else's style or cater to what you think others want to see. Authenticity is what will make your work stand out and resonate with others.
It may take time and effort to build a career as a painter, but with dedication and persistence, it is definitely possible.

In what direction would you like to see your career go in the next five years?

I can see my career go in  the direction of developing a unique and recognizable style that stands out in the world of art.

Country Denmark


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