Collectors Art Prize recognizes outstanding achievements in contemporary art by celebrating the work of extraordinary artists whose practices are among the most innovative and influential of our time. 

Wendy Van Boxtel

Wendy Van Boxtel

Artist Statement
My main focus has been playing with depth perception. By combining painting and sculpture I try to physically and visually extend the limits of the artpiece and the artwork starts receding into the wall.
"My main objective is to lean towards the ‘wow’ factor and love it when the viewers are questioning their eyes”.
Each artwork has a personal story, stories of being an immigrant, but also feeling accepted and loved in this world.
Early Art Development Starting in the Netherlands at the age of ten van Boxtel received amazing art lessons from an established Dutch artist, Harry Hermers. For six years Mr. Hermers enriched her abilities and knowledge using a historical art style of teaching. “Mr. Hermers was my biggest art influence and I am forever grateful for the foundation that he laid in me”. Van Boxtel gained a variety of art knowledge during her professional career, she was an art facilitator with kids who have special needs, and worked as a Graphic Artist for years.

Today van Boxtel resides with her family of seven in Richmond VA, she decided to pick up her art brushed once again in 2019 and was able to execute THE amazing concepts that has kept her mind occupied for years.

What’s your background?

I was born and raised in the Netherlands, and immigrated to the USA at age 21 in the year 2000. I started drawing, and oil painting lessons at the age of 10 years old, under the guidance of an amazing established Dutch artist.

What does it mean to you to win the Collectors Art Prize?

I truly feel very honored, since I just love to create and share messages in the world.

What do you think is the role of art in the world today?

I truly feel it's a tunnel of communication that is understood in any language.  As an artist we have the ability Not only to communicate with art, but also reach someone's heart.

What would it be if you could change one thing about the art world?

I would love to be able to show art in a well established show, but most of them require you to have gallery representation. It would be incredible if they have an open call for artists since they are missing out on amazing work.

What are your most significant professional achievements?

Just three years ago I started executing my art, and for the first time sharing it with the world through Instagram.  I have been so grateful to be discovered by many art collectors all over the world. To be a brand new artist and having sold many pieces all over the world is something to be so grateful for. 

What do you wish to tell viewers about your work that might not come out explicitly? What do you hope to inspire with your artwork?

Most of my pieces include a part of my personality, I love illusion, and humor. As an immigrant, I have left my entire family, and it was really hard to adjust in a new country, food, language not knowing anyone.  

I had two different lives, my Dutch life and my American life, still today I feel the same way. I have an amazing life here in the United States, but when I visit the Netherlands I have a life over there as well. 

When observing my work, you will notice that there are two areas/worlds in each work... it's like there is another dimension

 What advice would you give to the upcoming generation of artists?

Learn the old fashion way of drawing, draw and copy everything you see, learn to work with all materials clay, wood metal. An author can’t write a book if they never read books. Hope I’m able to explain, my Dutch art teacher (I was 10) made me copy still lives, portraits over and over again he also made me draw straight lines, ovals circles over and over again.  I’m so grateful for this experience since today I can create my own art since I have the ability to draw paint or sculpt what ever concepts I have floating in my head. ALSO don’t let anything stop you, after receiving my BA in activity counseling I wanted to go to art school, I was accepted at the Royal Academy Or Art in the Netherlands  but didn’t make it through the first year and got kicked out of the academy. So don’t make an experience like this stop you, always be open to learn and  keep creating, art is subjective.  

In what direction would you like to see your career go in the next five years?

My goal is to show my work in a larger city, during a well known show. 

Country USA


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