Collectors Art Prize recognizes outstanding achievements in contemporary art by celebrating the work of extraordinary artists whose practices are among the most innovative and influential of our time. 

Dan Gerbo

Dan Gerbo


Dan GERBO was born in Mulhouse (France) in 1955

After devoting a large part of his life to creation and design in the field of interior layout and decoration, Dan Gerbo began his career as an artist in 2009.

Always a fan of drawing, for 2 years he practiced figurative painting.
Then he became passionate about symbolism through art, a certain form of conceptual art.

He expresses through his unique and original works, greed, the fragility of life, strength, weakness and transmits to us with a touch of humor emotions, full of sensitivities and surprises.

" THE WARRIOR’S REPOSE " Dan GERBO’s latest work
A call for peace
Real JAGUAR Sepecat fighter plane planted nose in the ground in front of the contemporary art museum of Mulhouse (France)

Dan Gerbo classified his works by different themes

Luxury products and major brands :
Some people have a need to own and show off luxury or brand name products, with a bit of humor, he put his finger on this phenomenon.
" THE PIERCED FERRARI " The Ferrari pierced by a wooden stake
" LOUIS VUITTON AUTOPSY " Genuine sawn Louis Vuitton  
" FEMME FATALE "  Genuine Louboutin with 100$
" THE STONE OF HAPPINESS  " Stone and monograms                
Money and Greed
Money, always money... some people always need more money. Of course it is necessary but a little money and a lot of happiness is perhaps better than a lot of money and little happiness.
" THE LAST TRIP " Briefcase connected to the casket with handcuffs.
The broken ropes
This series of works symbolizes the fragility of life.
" CATAPULT "  wood, metal and granite
" GREED " Skull with $100 between the teeth  

What’s your background?

Dan GERBO was born in Mulhouse (France) in 1955. After devoting a large part of his life to creation and design in the field of interior layout and decoration, Dan Gerbo began his career as an artist in 2009. Always a fan of drawing, for 2 years he practiced figurative painting. Then he became passionate about symbolism through art, a certain form of conceptual art. He expresses through his unique and original works, greed, the fragility of life, strength, weakness and transmits to us with a touch of humor emotions, full of sensitivities and surprises. In 2023, Dan Gerbo creates the contemporary art museum in Mulhouse, France where he presents his works. The particularity of this museum is that it is also an international art gallery where galleries from all over the world can monthly rent spaces to present and sell their works.

Museum staff are trained in the presentation and sale of works of art.

Mulhouse is located 30km from Germany and 30km from Basel in Switzerland, the international capital of contemporary art, an interesting location for the promotion of art.                                   

What does it mean to you to win the Collectors Art Prize?

It's always an honor to get an award, it's a great proof of recognition that I greatly appreciate.

What do you think is the role of art in the world today?

Send messages to make people think.

What would it be if you could change one thing about the art world?

I would like artists to be recognized for their quality of work and not just for their notoriety...

What are your most significant professional achievements?

My latest work, "THE WARRIOR'S REPOSE" a real warplane planted nose in the ground in the courtyard of my museum. It is a call for peace.

What do you wish to tell viewers about your work that might not come out explicitly? What do you hope to inspire with your artwork?

It is up to everyone to interpret my works according to their imagination.

What advice would you give to the upcoming generation of artists?

Many artists think it's demeaning to have a paid job at the same time as an artist's life. They prefer to live in poverty so they can say they are full-time professional artists. I have always cumulated 2 activities. If you are really passionate about art, you can practice this activity after working hours, as a sport or a hobby so that you can live decently and have the means to pay for exhibitions and supplies to practice your art. . To be independent...

In what direction would you like to see your career go in the next five years?

Very few artists are lucky enough to have their own museum in their lifetime, I'm so lucky and it's a dream I never would have hoped for now that my career is at its peak, I don't ask no more, life has rewarded me well.

Country France


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