Collectors Art Prize recognizes outstanding achievements in contemporary art by celebrating the work of extraordinary artists whose practices are among the most innovative and influential of our time. 

Kari Bienert

Kari Bienert


“The trees are our lungs, the rivers our circulation, the air our breath, and the earth our body”  - Deepak Chopra
 As we move into a new future, post pandemic, I am optimistic that this catastrophic process has brought new life and new awareness beyond our imagination. We can build communities based on our inner knowledge bursting with a love of nature and care for our fellow humans. We can make choices that create peace and pursue dreams that are not incessantly material. We can love the children as though they are the light of the world. We can make choices to include and embrace, to be patient and accepting. Only through this daily, rigorous change of mindset will the world around us change.
Oil painting has been my passion for over 30 years. Colours come together to form language and shape from a lucid, kaleidoscopic inner world. I am fascinated by the endless revolving rhythms found in the natural world. I am drawn to relationships between colours and people, nature, and space. Colours and shapes are a universal unspoken language that can be interpreted on an energetic level. It is here in the studio absorbed in the paint and music; I merge with a parallel world. I find an evolution, a shift which directly affects the tapestry of relationships around me. My painting process is slow and meditative, mixing oil colours methodically for many hours. Most colours are a complex mix of over 20 oils to produce a single unique colour. It is then applied to the canvas flatly with a brush. The thicker paint, after mixing is applied meticulously with a long bristle brush. The works take months and the painting over time becomes a meditation for the soul.
Kari Bienert has been exhibiting nationally and internationally for over 25 years. Her works are in private and public collections across the world including Artbank and Macquarie University. She has had over 20 solo exhibitions and has won many awards including The Manhattan Arts “Her Story” prize, The Circle for the Arts Foundation (France), “Artist of the Year”, honorable mention and has been a finalist in the Gold Coast Jupiters Art prize. She currently lives in South Australia after many years travelling, with her partner and two children.
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Whats your background?

I am an Australian artist, exhibiting nationally and internationally for over 25 years. I have travelled and painted extensively and my works are in public and private collections around the world.

What does it mean to you to win the Collectors Art Prize?

It is a wonderful honor to be recognized as a leading contemporary artist. Thank you, Art Collectors! The prize was a lovely surprise. I look forward to seeing the other artists who I will be amongst.

What do you think is the role of art in the world today?

Reflection: art reflects humanities evolution. We are in such an incredible, open, and expressive time in history, more than any other time have women had the freedom to be themselves and exhibit their work with an enlightened audience. Artists express what is happening at the core of humanity and are at the forefront of what the future holds.

What would it be if you could change one thing about the art world?

Hierarchy. It has changed now which is wonderful. We are seeing artists who would have never been seen in past years.

What are your most significant professional achievements?

I have had over 20 solo exhibitions, including BGH, Los Angeles, BMG ART Adelaide, Flinders St Gallery, Sydney, High St gallery Melbourne. I have had group shows in Europe and USA. I have won many awards including Manhattan Arts “Her Story” prize, The Circle of the Arts (France)”Artist of the Year”, honorable mention and the Conrad Jupiters Art Prize finalist. My works are in private and pub;lic collections including Art Bank and Macquarie University.

What do you wish to tell viewers about your work that might not come out explicitly? What do you hope to inspire with your artwork?

I am a spiritual person. We are all connected. Art connects us. We are at the heart of a huge evolution for humanity to unite.

What advice would you give to the upcoming generation of artists?

Look within. Focus, focus, focus. Follow your own path, then focus again.

In what direction would you like to see your career go in the next 5 years?

I would like to see new works, challenge myself, be free and see my babies all over the world. I would like to have more exhibitions in New York and Europe.
Country Australia


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