Collectors Art Prize recognizes outstanding achievements in contemporary art by celebrating the work of extraordinary artists whose practices are among the most innovative and influential of our time. 

Nehha  Kandhari

Nehha Kandhari


Blend of Spirituality and Creativity Gave Birth to Worlds First Vastu Compliant Painter - Nehha Kandhari

Spiritual people believe that the knowledge gained in one lifetime by a person, forever remains with the
soul even after it leaves the body and hence in the next birth, the journey of the same soul does not start
from scratch. An Internationally renowned, Mumbai based Vastu compliant artist, Nehha Kandhari
attributes her quick success in the Art World to this belief and defines the purpose of her paintings to be
a blend of spiritual and creative work.

She wants to use her art to bring Positivity, comfort and good fortune in the lives of people. She has
cleared C.A. Inter and her other life works includes working as a NCFM certified professional, a business
woman and a mother of two. Currently she is the C.E.O of Vinfab Engineers India Private Limited.

She was felicitated by the Governor of Maharastra for Iconic Woman in Arts and Creativity 2022. She has been honoured by the Chief Minister of Gujrat with Bharat Shikkhar Samman in October 2022 ...
Vastu compliant painting can heal problems of life
Things like faith and intuitions are difficult to define as their presence can only be felt and results can
merely be seen. When I experienced some remarkable positive changes in my personal and professional
life by placing my first artwork in my house, in the appropriate direction as per Vastu, it was not easy for
me to fathom that a painting would work wonders to such a great extent. My kids started performing
better in academics; my husband noticed stronger business relations, harmony and more clarity of mind
towards successful and firm decision making. It was, as if, the positive energy had started pouring into the
house through the artwork. Retrospectively, when I think about these things, I get goose bumps.

How Vastu Complaint Painting works Results of my first painting in my life opened doors to a new career, hence I decided to use every painting of mine as a medium to emit positivity in society. Basically Vastu Shastra is a science of architecture and design, In Hindu ancient way. It simply means it enhances positive energies by eliminating the negative ones from every direction of house or office .
Customised Paintings
Based on the direction, wall, size and Interior of the space, Ms Kandhari customises paintings in which
there is a personal or digital meetings held with the client. In preliminary discussion, Ms Kandhari is briefed
about the chief problem of clients life. Ms Kandhari assures that her clients information is kept confidential and discreet. All the professional ethics are maintained by her.
If we pay attention to small or major changes which take place after we place a painting at home, we
realise that each painting has its effect. The endeavor should be to make the impact more positive than
negative and can be made possible with figures, colours, Image in the painting which are suitable for the
space as well as for the direction in which the artwork is placed; Ms Kandhari enlightened.

As her popularity increases , demand for her work has also jumped by leaps and bounds .No doubt each artwork hence becomes time consuming,  but it is rewarding  . With people noticing and appreciating her work , Nehha has been commissioned on many projects for the next several months by new clients and even repeated work by existing ones.

What’s your background?

Born and brought up in a loving and spiritual family of Agra , India . I had a bent towards Vastu and Feng shui since my childhood. My mother is well read in Vastu and Astrology . She used to share a lot of things and it's impact on our lives. I have cleared  CA Inter along with Certification in Financial Market.

Later on I went on to join my family business of steel. It was during covid lockdown in Mumbai , when I got fascinated with Art and decided to try my hands on it . I went online to search for Vastu Compliant Paintings,  but didn't find any. So I started making these paintings and after installing them , saw a lot of improvement in every phase of life .

What does it mean to you to win the Collectors Art Prize?

It's a dream come true.  I feel so honoured and blessed to have won this prestigious Collectors Art Prize. This award motivates me to do better and give my best in the field of Art . By God's Grace these healing Paintings are changing people's life across the globe for the better.  This prestigious award will be celebrated not only by me but all the beautiful souls who invested in my artwork . 

What do you think is the role of art in the world today?

It's a proven fact that a painting acts as a 2D remedy . It keeps hammering your subconscious mind . It influences your decision making power eventually. 

Art is a powerful medium . It not only adds to the beautification of the space  , but also serves the purpose of healing .The power of art should be utilized in the best possible way for one's success and growth .

What would it be if you could change one thing about the art world?

I think every artist puts his heart and soul in his artwork . We should respect and accept every artist's viewpoint . The World of art is mesmerizing , beautiful and infinite.  Every artist should be celebrated and appreciated for their creativity . They are adding to the beautification of the world. 

What are your most significant professional achievements?

God has been really kind and held my hand in this beautiful art journey . 

Everyone appreciated and supported me in my journey of making Healing Paintings ( Vastu Compliant Paintings )

My professional achievements are as follows : 

1. Honoured by the Governor of Maharastra ( state in India) with the Iconic Woman of excellence in Art 2022

2. Times Business Award for excellence in field of Art ,2022

3. Economic Times Newsmakers 2022

4. Honoured by Chief Minister of Gujrat ,Shri Bhoopinder Bhai Patel  with the Bharat Shikkhar Samman Award 

5. Economic Times Most Influential Leader 2022

6. Forbes India self Made Woman 2022

7. Fortune India's Iconic Woman of Excellence ,2022

8. Outlook - Women Forging Ahead 2023

9 .India Today 's Most Powerful Leaders 2022

10. Outlook India Leaders of Tomorrow

11. Business Today Icons of Excellence,  2022

And Now , The Prestigious Collectors Art Prize .

What do you wish to tell viewers about your work that might not come out explicitly? What do you hope to inspire with your artwork?

My work has been inspired by Science of Vastu . If we add colours and elements in particular direction , it adds to positive energy in our space. 

A Vastu Compliant Painting enhances the positive energy of each direction and helps the occupant to unlock his highest potential.  

My work is about adding beautification as well as healing to the space of the occupant .

A painting acts as a 2 D remedy .It keeps hammering your subconscious mind. 

So I add those elements which will heal and improve client's state of mind which will help them to unlock their highest potential. 

What advice would you give to the upcoming generation of artists?

Be original in your work . Think out of the box . There are infinite opportunities in the world of art .Art comes from one's soul and heart. Be true to your soul. 

Wishing all the artists great success and luck . 

In what direction would you like to see your career go in the next five years?

The main motive of my life is to heal the world with the power of art . In the next five years I see myself making more Healing Paintings for people across the globe . 

Country India


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